WEB форумы на jedi
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WEB форумы на jedi [ПОИСК] [Архив до 03.2006]

Тема What easy comes that easy goes К предыдущему сообщению На следующее сообщение Уголок психософата и эзотерика

Отправил Aзвepюxa в 03:46 09.06.2003[Ответить]
What easy comes that easy goes

What easy comes that easy goes,
But we just know it lately.
And finding thorns behind the rose
We wound our hearts so badly.

What easy comes that shines so nice,
It dazzles eyes by brilliance.
But being close, it, in a trice,
Suddenly gets at distance.

What easy comes that's hardly worth,
We waste it not regretting.
But coming easy wanton love
Goes away upsetting.

(thanx to R.G. for theme)